Photo: Henning Merker
In a dance practice faciliated by Jenny Coogan, ensemble members explore relational processes of social exchange, gain aesthetic experiences of contemporary dance, and share collaborative processes in dance making and performing. In this climate of process-oriented artistic exploration, dancers are encouraged to develop their own attitudes to the subjects at hand, to pose their own questions, and to develop thier own movement language with confidence. The creative processes of the group are guided by the somatic methodology of the Feldenkrais Method®, in combination with explorative movement tasks and dance improvisation 'scores'. This combination creates conditions in which all participants can find their personal relevance and both recognise and acknowledge the wisdom and agency of their own being in relation to others.
The strategies of the Feldenkrais Method are similar to choreographic processes involving self-inquiry and mindfulness. They are composed of permutations triggered by variations, repetitions, constraints and changes of orientation. The creative processes of the ArtRose ensemble work with these strategies that draw on every individual’s inherent capacity for self-learning, in developing an individual movement vocabulary.
In the group, everyone is asked to search for options for action. In this way, the dancers can experience an expansion of their own artistic expression.